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Here you can find all dates around Landwinkl. It will also be posted here if and when there is a new beer. Everything to do with the smallest brewery in Bamberg!
When / Where:​


exact date will be announced.

When / Where: ​

Bamberg/Siechenstrasse 24


Mid-September- Domstadt champagne


An american pale ale, top-fermented, with champagne yeast! You may be excited!


When / Where:​



When / Where:​

from 07.10.: Tuesday to Saturday

(5.00 p.m. - 11.00 p.m.)

End of September/beginning of October - "a Kupferla"
the second!

a Kupferla! was newly developed by us. Matured in copper tanks it becomes an amber red lager that is looking for new fans.

A typical Franconian, mild, drinkable Bierla, that's it!

Brewery - bar

Every week we open our doors for five days and fill you with fresh draft beer in the vessels you have brought with you.

Here are our summer dates when we can finally celebrate properly again!

© 2021 by Landwinkler Bräu GbR

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